Ecology Monitor

Friday, September 29, 2006

Cost of saving the planet: a year’s growth (The Guardian, 29 Sep 2006, Page 20)

Cost of saving the planet: a year’s growth
Ashley Seager
The Guardian
29 Sep 2006

The world would have to give up only one year’s economic growth over the next four decades to reduce carbon emissions sufficiently to stave off the threat of global warming, a report says today. Consultants at PricewaterhouseCoopers offer a “green... read more...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Global warming is no commie plot

Global warming is no commie plot
19 Sep 2006

IS there finally a change of climate on climate change? Are the CO sceptics who see global warming as a commie plot suffocating in their own silliness? If so, it’s tantamount to the flat-earthers belatedly conceding a certain planetary curvature. Or... read more...

Global warming is the ultimate pro-life issue

Global warming is the ultimate pro-life issue
Breda O’Brien
Saturday's Irish Times
16 Sep 2006

Most of us, oddly enough, don’t relish being told that if we don’t change our ways, our planet is going to be wracked simultaneously with floods and droughts, potentially resulting in famine and millions of displaced people. Most people’s reaction... read more...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Endof the world?

Endof the world?
Bangkok Post
06 Sep 2006

James Lovelock is famous for the hypothesis that Earth is a self-regulating entity, which he named Gaia, after the Greek earth goddess. But he admits that for a decade after he published Gaia, a New Look at Life on Earth, hewas uncertain about what... read more...

Global warming crisis could be just 10 years away

Global warming crisis could be just 10 years away

The Herald
05 Sep 2006

A CLIMATE change timebomb may be just 10 years away from detonating, according to the latest global warming evidence. New data from a deep ice core drilled out of the Antarctic permafrost reveal a shocking rate of change in carbon dioxide... read more...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

BurningMan counter-culture festival under the spotlight for global warming emissions (National Post, 02 Sep 2006, Page A18)

BurningMan counter-culture festival under the spotlight for global warming emissions

National Post
02 Sep 2006

A counter-culture arts festival in Nevada that champions alternative living is being vetted by environmentalists for its contribution to global warming. BurningMan bans the sale of anything but ice and coffee and declares clothing optional. The... read more...